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Monday, September 08, 2008

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Acai PowderCheck Out MXIDreamTeam.XPowerTour.com for complete details of the ... - PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung)

Wed, 03 Sep 2008 21:44:50 GMT

PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung)

Check Out MXIDreamTeam.XPowerTour.com for complete details of the ...
PR-Inside.com (Pressemitteilung), Austria - Sep 3, 2008
... products based on the primary ingredients of raw, unprocessed, non-alkalized, non-lecithinized cacao powder, freeze-dried Açaí berries and blueberries. ...

Acai Powder NewsBarley Grass Powder

I felt somewhat intimidated by the atmosphere. The place was definitely filled with people who climbed seriously, and at that time I was definitely someone who did not. I was glad I was there to take an actual lesson because I would have absolutely no idea how to start for myself. My teacher was the owner of the club, and he was very friendly and helpful. It was almost like having my own personal trainer. By the end of the 2 hour lesson I knew my way around the gym and the equipment and knew how to belay another climber and tie myself into the rope for safety. And I had climbed from the bottom of the walls to the top several times successfully. I was officially a climber, albeit a very enthusiastic beginner.

In the present day, a first trip to a climbing facility for a beginner will be a completely different experience. There are many more climbing gyms around, and like I mentioned above, many fitness centers and health clubs have climbing walls now. These climbing gyms and fitness center walls are used much more now by the average fitness enthusiast who is looking for a fun way to workout or have some recreation, and beginner classes abound. The look and feel of the facilities is usually very family friendly. Birthday parties and social events for kids, corporate outing and team building for adults as well as family recreation outings make up a huge percentage of the business for climbing walls nowadays. A first time visitor will be greeted by an enthusiastic staff wearing matching t-shirts and typically watch a safety video that gives an overview of the procedures of the facility. Then in a small group or individually, they are led out to attempt a few climbs before they are cleared to use the place on their own. The extensive orientation I received at The Vertical Club is mostly a thing of the past. The equipment and safety set up is much easier for the average person to learn, which gets them climbing and having fun sooner. This has greatly increased the number of people who participate in climbing and has led to the serious climbers that I saw on my first trip to The Vertical Club frequently being the minority in the gym at any given time.

Getting your exercise while climbing indoors usually involves you making your way from the floor toward the ceiling of the facility using plastic holds for your hands and feet that have the same look and feel as real rock. These are attached to a wall that is textured to resemble a real cliff face. As you make your way to the top, a cable attached to an automatic belay device or a rope attached to your partner and tied to your safety harness that you wear keeps you safe from a fall. Most indoor facilities have walls for roped climbing that go up to about 30 feet in height, though some in the United States go from 60 to 90 feet. Most facilities also have a version of climbing called bouldering where the climber is not roped but never climbs more than 10-15 feet off the ground, protecting against a fall with large gymnastics pads moved around on the floor underneath. Snug fitting climbing shoes with specially made rubber soles are worn for incredible grip against the footholds.
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Barley Grass Powder

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A nasty virus going around?
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Wheatgrass Juice

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HolisticThe Negative Calorie Diet - Can This Be Real

You have probably heard of the Negative Calorie Diet, sometimes referred to as the Catabolic Diet. On the surface, it sounds like a dieters dream. The more you eat, the more weight you lose. Can this be real?

Of course, there is no such thing as a food that contains negative calories. Every food contains calories. The idea behind the Negative Calorie diet is to eat catabolic foods, or negative calorie foods that burn more calories to digest that what they put back.

Surprisingly, strictly based on numbers, this is entirely possible, but it should be noted that there is no scientific evidence to verify it.

For example, if you eat an orange that hypothetically contains 80 calories, you gain 80 calories. But if that same orange uses 110 calories to digest, you lose 30 calories.

Since your body needs 110 calories to digest the orange and the orange only provides 80, where does it get the other 30 calories? It would come from the stored fat in your body.

Now all you need to do is eat a crate of oranges every day and you will be thin in no time.

OK, that is not very practical. But there are many other catabolic foods to choose from, but as you might expect, they all belong to the fruit and vegetable families. You can chew that cheeseburger until your gums bleed, but you will still consume more calories that you burn.

The biggest drawback to the Negative Calorie diet is that fruits and vegetables lack some important nutrients found in meat, dairy, and grain foods. Can we be healthy eating only fruits and vegetables? Of course. Vegetarians do it all the time. Fruits and vegetables are a very important part of a healthy diet. But they are not the only part.

The bigger question would be if you are willing to. If you are used to eating meats, dairy, and grains, would you be able to switch to an all vegetarian diet?

The better solution would be to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your regular diet. They not only help you burn more calories, but they also provide vital nutrients. They also help fill you up, so you eat less of the other foods.

The foods you eat play the most important role in your health and fitness. Like the saying goes, "You are what you eat".

To see a partial list of negative calorie or catabolic foods, go to

Negative Calorie Diet

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Natural Remedies Info

Himilayan Goji BerryWhat Is Dieting? How Should Your Diet Plan Compliment Your Weight Loss Plan?

Dieting means following a pre-designed pattern of food intake in order to attain certain specific short-term goals. Dieting must not be confused with a more basic and thorough concept of diet regulation whereby one tries to shape one's general habit of nutritional intake so as to derive long term health benefits. For instance, a vegan prefers a diet entirely bereft of animal products. In his diet even milk has no place. However, this is not 'dieting' despite being a form of controlled and regulated food intake.

The commonest objective of dieting is weight loss, and it is for this reason primarily that so many people around the globe practice it.

To begin with, a weight loss program restricts the intake of certain specific foods in order to achieve reduction in body weight. Now, this has no general application, for no two human bodies are exactly alike.

Therefore, if something works for one, it may not work for another at all. The difference basically lies in individual metabolisms and lifestyles. It has also been pointed out by many experts that short-term dieting may not lead to long term weight loss. In other words, if you practice weight loss today and manage shedding some weight, it is not necessarily a permanent weight loss. One has to keep working out and to keep one's diet in check in order to keep the weight constantly under control or else the digits on your weighing scale might start piling once again bringing you to square one.

The most prominent adverse aftereffect of dieting is the body's going into famine mode wherein it starts stockpiling excessive fat, for it reads low food intake as a signal to start the process of self preservation. As a result, during the dieting period the weight sinks considerably, but the moment you start eating normal, the body starts storing food and the body weight shoots up. Therefore, for effective long term weight loss what is required is careful dieting coupled with regular exercise.

Do not make dieting plan your starvation scheme for that wouldn't work and would invariably do more harm than good.

To get more information on herbal weight loss, weight loss and diet plans and weight loss diet visit http://www.thelosspill.com/

Reviews of Himilayan Goji BerryCarob Powder

* Eat flaxseeds or use flaxseed oil to reduce inflammation
* Eat fish weekly or take at least 1500 mg to 2000 mg of fish oil to reduce inflammation
* Eat plenty of raw vegetables, which provide phytonutrients that fight free radicals - broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and dark green lettuce
* Eat whole grains to provide the B vitamins - brown rice, wheat germ, oat bran, oats
* Eat foods high in sulfur to help repair cartilage - asparagus, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, watercress, cranberries, avocados, broccoli, carrots, celery, corn, cucumber peas, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, kale, cabbage, garlic, or onions
* Drink water every 2 hours to avoid dehydration and reduce arthritis pain
* Eat pineapple to get the enzyme bromelain or chew on bromelain tablets.
* Take MSM supplements, 2000 to 5000 mg or more per day
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Carob Powder


So, before sleeping you go checking you clock placed on the table next to your bed, once. Then, you check it out again. That makes it twice. And again, and again. Not only it takes too much of your sleeping time, but it also adds to your nerves.

Stress will avoid you from sleeping. So, put your clock somewhere else.

� Too many thoughts
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General HealthWhy Crohn?s Disease And Nutrition Go Hand In Hand

The biggest problem caused by Crohn?s disease the impaired function of the digestive system. Because most cases of this condition begin within the intestines, the body is unable, at times, to pull what it needs from the foods you eat each day. There are many times when Crohn?s disease and nutrition supplements, along with diets and stress relief go hand in hand.

When the body is not getting what it needs, it begins to rely on the fat stores for what it requires. Crohn?s sufferers begin to lose weight, can feel extremely frail, and have problems with staying awake. Though for a lot of sufferers there are long periods of remission, it is a good idea to keep on top of your nutritional intake at all times.

Crohn?s patients soon learn that they are going to spend a lot of time in the bathroom, and this is usually one of the reasons sufferers seek treatment in the first place. When diarrhea becomes a common occurrence, the body is not taking what it needs. The foods are simply moving through the system too fast.

After a while, a patient will know what is ?normal? for them in terms of bowel habits, and they will know when things begin to get worse, and they may even notice blood in the stool. When that happens, medical advice is needed as soon as possible.

The inflammation that occurs in the intestines leads to a series of complications. The tract may become blocked, and that means nothing is going to go through. There can be perforations that develop, which can lead to waste matter leaking out of the intestines and into the body.

There are also ulcers, tears, and abscesses that can occur, and they can all lead to a rapid decline in health. When any of these things happen, a doctor will probably recommend a surgical procedure to help a patient regain good health, at least for a little while. Some fear surgery, but in these cases, it should be strongly recommended. If it is refused, the body can start to deteriorate very quickly.

The Specific Carb Diet is sometimes recommended to patients who are not getting proper nutrition. This diet is very restrictive, but often helps reduce symptoms and allows the intestine time to heal. It eliminates many of the foods that might aggravate Crohn?s, and can help restore good health for some. Some people can remove just one troublesome item to begin to feel better. There are many Crohn?s patients who are also intolerant of lactose, which is found in milk and many milk products. Taking away milk can sometimes be all a patient needs to do, but they must find ways to replace that lost source of calcium and vitamin D.

Many doctors are reluctant to discuss Crohn?s disease and nutrition with some patients, because they feel that a patient that limits their diet is aggravating an already tenuous situation. They know that by further restricting your diet you may eliminate many of the vital nutrients your body desperately needs.

You may need to take vitamins to help replace some of the lost nutrients. However, it is essential that you talk to your doctor before you start taking any supplements, or before removing food items from your diet. It?s important to find the right balance when treating your Crohn?s disease and nutrition intake.

About the Author:

Grab your free copy of Sharon Dobson's brand new Crohn's Disease Newsletter - Overflowing with easy to implement methods to help you find out more about the link between crohn?s disease and nutrition.
