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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Health and Nutrition discussion

Health and NutritionSuccessful Weight Loss for a Healthy Body and a Healthy Mind

?Passion helps us to progress; it keeps us going despite the invariable obstacles. Every great achievement began with someone?s passion, and was carried forward by that momentum? - Lissa Coffey

Passion for life, your quality of life

I believe that when you decided to manage your weight permanently, you were moved by a passion. It is your passion for life, for health and a better quality of life.
I believe your great achievement will be to regain your natural weight.
Please do not lose this momentum.

With your commitment, your passion and daily motivation, you are unstoppable.
Don?t let your doubts sabotage this journey?s success.

Losing weight is not about dieting.
Dieting could be what keeps the extra weight on your body.
The words ?diet?, ?dieting? have a negative connotation.
There is no need for sacrifice, no need for negative thoughts.

Proper Mindset

We need a change of attitude. We need to focus on the results we want to achieve.
Losing weight is about healthy nutrition and healthy life style.
This is not a slogan. This is a way of life; your quality of life.

You do not want your weight to yo-yo all your life.
You want a steady weight loss and you want to maintain a healthy weight.

Needed Changes

We need a few life changes such as

  • Positive attitude, positive mindset and everyday motivation

  • knowing what you want and going for it, always focusing on the desired result

  • Plan your new lifestyle; plan your meals, schedule motivation time and exercise time.

  • healthy eating habits and

  • Exercise everyday.

Enjoy the journey

You want to enjoy the weight loss as well as your weight management.
It is easier to achieve what we enjoy.

We should enjoy our food three times

We first enjoyed our food when we taste it; it is a feast for our taste buds.
Then we enjoy it because it satisfies our appetite.
Then if the food is digested properly our body enjoys the nutrients, Mother Nature goodness. It nourishes our body.

Healthy Nutrition

Healthy nutrition is a nutrition that feed our body; a nutrition rich in nutrients that will feed each cell of our body.
If our nutrition meets our body daily nutrient needs, and we have a good digestion, there will be no cravings.

If there is less or no craving, we will not be tempted to eat too much.
If we enjoy our food, we will not be tempted to eat food that sabotages our weight management.


The best food, the richest nutrients food will be worthless if we cannot digest it properly. The healthiest food in the world will not be a great help if we cannot digest and absorb its nutrients.

The better the digestion, the more benefits we get from our nutrition.
The more fibers we eat, the easier our digestion, because the fibers push the food downward. The faster the food is digested the faster we benefit from its nutrients, if it is absorbed properly.

Enjoy your food

Food should be enjoyed. If you enjoy your food you feed both your body and your soul. You are really satisfied.

Did you notice how easy we digest a meal when we are in good company?
It must be the laughter, or this feeling of well being.
It is a great synergy: we enjoy the food, we enjoy the company; we enjoy ourselves. Our body chemistry is at his best; it releases all the hormones that give us this feeling of well being.

Isabelle Epstein

Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style. If you would enjoy receiving, directly to your inbox, motivation and tips for a healthy weight management, sign up for Isabelle's free newsletter at: http://www.HealthyNutriMania.com

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Natural HealingSecret Diet to Lower Cholesterol

Have high cholesterol? Wondering what to do about it? Even with all of the attention given to cholesterol now a days, many people are still wondering exactly what cholesterol is and, most of all, how it affects their bodies. Cholesterol is a waxy lipid (a fat) that naturally circulates in the blood. It is an important part of many body functions, including digestion, the manufacturing of vitamin D and the making of sex hormones. It is found in every cell of the body as part of the cell's wall. However, like anything else, cholesterol levels that are too high are a danger signal. How high is too high? Total cholesterol levels should be less than 200, with total cholesterol being a combination of LDL (bad) cholesterol and HDL (good) cholesterol.

Excess cholesterol poses many significant dangers, especially to heart health. As the blood levels increase, the extra cholesterol builds up on the walls of the arteries, clogging them. Often, this will lead to a stroke or a heart attack, as the blood backs up behind the blockage and clots there. Warning signs of high cholesterol include chest pain, a family history of high cholesterol, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking and a diet high in saturated fats. If any of these risk factors are present, especially in combination, a visit to the physician to determine cholesterol levels is recommended.

One of the best interventions for high cholesterol is adopting a diet to lower cholesterol. Just about any diet (e.g. Atkins, Weight Watchers diets...) can be adapted to function as a diet to lower high cholesterol. The secret lies in ensuring that the diet includes the following things: low-fat foods, high-fiber foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, reduced salt and sugar, legumes and nuts. Try to avoid processed meats, whole milk products, eggs, fatty meats, bakery goods and fried foods or enjoy them in moderation. Eating foods like oatmeal, oat bran, artichokes, baked fish, whole-grain products and unsaturated oils will benefit both heart health and cholesterol levels.

Switching to a diet to lower high cholesterol does not have to mean the end of the world. Simple substitutes for less desirable foods are readily available in any supermarket. Purchasing fat-free milk, low-fat cheeses and butter substitutes instead of whole milk products is a huge step. Lean cuts of meat, baked fish, fresh fruits, soy products, beans and peas, green vegetables, nuts and seeds all fortify the diet to lower cholesterol, giving the heart one of the best types of protection. Simple changes in cooking techniques can also make a huge difference. Drain grease when cooking, regulate portion sizes, bake or broil foods instead of frying them, use vegetable oil when cooking, trim off fats and avoid adding extra salt or sugar.

In addition to diet modifications, there are many other ways to help lower cholesterol. A balanced aerobic exercise routine has unbelievable benefits, including weight loss and better circulation. Walking, running and swimming are all good forms of exercise and burn excess calories at the same time. Quitting smoking is also another excellent way to improve the health of blood vessels and decrease the risk of stroke. Medications, such as Lipitor, to lower high cholesterol are used as a last resort. Usually a diet to lower high cholesterol combined with exercise will do the trick. So, take the first step to heart health now and go have a cholesterol level done. It just may be the best thing you've done for your body in a long time. And who knows, there may still be time to work on prevention, starting with a diet to lower cholesterol levels.

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