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Friday, January 23, 2009

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Acai Powder - Freeze Dried Acai

At it's basis, aromatherapy deals with the use of volatile aromatic compounds naturally produced by the majority of plant species on earth. The difference in the chemical makeup of these 'essential oils' varies tremendously, and so does the biological effect of each class of natural aromatic compound. Many are known as strongly anti-bacterial or anti-viral, others stimulate tissue regeneration, others will reduce inflammation, some are analgesic (pain relieving), while still others enhance circulation (and the list goes on!). The individual chemical makeup of the essential oil from each plant give that oil it's healing characteristics. The makeup of one particular essential oil, that distilled from the flowers of Helichrysum Italicum, includes a very synergistic combination of compounds that are known to be anti-hematomatic (active against blood clots), tissue regenerative, free-radical scavenging (anti-oxidant), and anti-inflammatory.

Before approaching it's possible effects of Helichrysum essential oil on sprains, strains and other sports injuries, let's look at the root of these painful conditions. Take, for example, a an ankle twisted in a basketball game - what has happened physiologically? Connective tissues (tendons and ligaments) have been stretched beyond their normal lengths; these tissue have suffered 'micro tears', which is damage to the actual structure of the cells of the connective tissue. Some of these cells are so damaged that they die, and need to be re-grown. There is often additional swelling and bruising involved, which is generally the leaking of blood from damaged capillaries into intracellular space. This results in a loss of blood supply to surrounding cells, and blockage of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products moving to and from those cells. This in fact, leads to cellular damage beyond the primary injury of the connective tissue cells. More cell death occurs here, not only directly from the loss of nutrient/waste exchange for these cells, but also due to an increase in oxidative radical activity. The greater the amount of 'secondary' injury which occurs lengthens the time to recovery - here, one can see why applying ice to an injury soon after it occurs can speed healing - it reduces the amount of blood that clots (bruises) in an area, and lowers the metabolic activity (and oxidative radical production) in cells with a loss of nutrient supply - therefore, less secondary cell damage and death accompanies the primary injury.

Enter the activity of Helichrysum essential oil. It has a high percentage of anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene hydrocarbons - this compound acts by dissipating free radicals. The oil's other major components include neryl acetate, a monoterpenoid ester with distinct, relaxing effects that can reduce tension of the tissues in the area of the injury. The third major component are the regenerative di-ketones, found in significant quantities only in Helichrysum oil. "The pain- reducing, analgesic, and regenerative effect of everlasting (Helichrysum) is unique: If applied in time, it prevents hemorrhaging. It is also very effective for joint pain..." - Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt, Advanced Aromatherapy.
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Acai Powder - Freeze Dried Acai

Slippery Elm Powder

*Do not place your child on a restrictive diet.
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Slippery Elm Powder
