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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Motherwort Powder Reviews and info

Motherwort PowderA Diet For The 500 Pound Phone

Many time direct sales party-plan consultants will comment their phone suddenly weighs 500 pounds when they need to make business calls. Particularly when those calls are to get bookings. What is it that prevents consultants from getting on the phone and making those calls? Fear. There is the fear of making a mistake. Fear of not knowing what to say. Fear of making a fool of yourself. All of these are manifestations of the fear of rejection. The question really is; what if they say no? Rejection is the fear that prevents us from picking up the phone and making the calls you need to make. How to deal with rejection is the difference between success and failure in your business.

Getting a no can be traumatizing. Your positive thoughts can turn to negatives in the time it takes for someone to say no to you. You think things like "this will never work." "What was I thinking getting involved with this?" "This is stupid - I'm going to quit." All of these are self-deflating, ego blasting thoughts.

To get past the feelings of rejection from "the no" look at what "the no" is doing to your life. Let's say you have two bookings on your calendar and you decide to get on the phone and get more bookings. The first person you call says no. The second person you call says no. Even the third person you call says no. What has changed in your life? Did you have two bookings before you made the calls? Do you still have two bookings? Do the people in your life who mean the most to you stop loving you because someone said no to you? Is your house going to fall down around you because someone said no? What has really changed in your life? Nothing. By realizing someone saying no to you changes nothing in your reality makes a significant difference in hearing no.

What no means is you need to be working smarter. Someone saying no to you is not a rejection of you, but rather, a rejection of the offer. To work smarter consider how you are presenting yourself over the phone. Are you coming from a mindset of "I need bookings" or a mindset of "this is what I can do for you" when you make your calls? By changing your mindset and focusing on what you can do for the person you're calling you'll find your phone has suddenly gone on a diet as you collect yes after yes to booking.

About the Author:

Ruth Fuersten is the author of the e-book HOW TO BOOK, SELL, AND RECRUIT YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS, a step-by-step recipe for success in direct sales. To purchase the book or to find out about hiring Ruth to speak at your next event go to http://www.cooksellrecruit.com

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Have you heard of Optimum Source Chlorella

Optimum Source Chlorella NewsWheatgrass Juice

By applying the fertilizer in a correct manner, you can expect to get better germination of seeds, healthier leaves and stems, longer period for fruition, and over all strength to combat diseases and dangerous pests. In recent years seaweed fertilizer manufacturers have been found in China, Southeast Asia, South Korea, North Korea and Japan. Today there are about ten manufacturers who sell quality fertilizers, which have brought forth good results. Therefore, you have a wide choice to choose from in order to give your plants added life.
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Wheatgrass Juice

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Top 10 Detox Foods and Cooking Naked

Tue, 01 Jan 2008 00:00:00 EDT
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Top 10 Detox Foods and Cooking Naked

Top 10 Detox Foods

Here To Your Health !

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Chlorella is a green single-celled microalgae that contains the highest concentrations of chlorophyll known (60 mg/serving)....

Top 10 Detox Foods and Cooking Naked

Tue, 01 Jan 2008 00:00:00 EDT
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Top 10 Detox Foods and Cooking Naked

Top 10 Detox Foods

Optimum Source ChlorellaStrengthen Your Immune System With Natural Health Medicine

Your immune system protects you against an army of germs and viruses that are ready, and waiting to attack. However, to remain constantly effective your immune system requires your consideration. Therefore, if you incorporate a natural health lifestyle, supplemented with natural health medicine, into your daily routine, you will be helping your immune system to defend you, as and when the need arises.

Natural health medicine is one of many tools available to complement a natural health lifestyle. Because it can naturally combine with normal body processes, to strengthen your immune system, you can become naturally resistant to numerous afflictions, waiting to invade. There are many people who have derived benefit from the use of natural medicine, to the extent that it has reduced their requirement for traditional and unpredictable alternatives.

Natural health medicine does not act as a drug but strengthens the immune system, to provide you with a natural defence. This is preferable to having to rely on chemical preparations. These, it must be said, are sometimes necessary because people have neglected to take the best care, that a natural health lifestyle can provide.

There is no better investment that you can make than remaining healthy, which in turn will help you to enjoy your life to the full. That is your birthright, which can be more readily achieved through a healthy lifestyle, including natural health medicine containing naturally therapeutic ingredients.

Many people suffer distressing side effects from synthetic medicines and drugs. At times they have little alternative but to resort to such measures, but in other instances the old adage, that prevention is better than cure, rings true. An understanding of natural health medicine, and how it can assist in maintaining your immune system, is something, that all who contemplate good health, should consider.

Richard Wise writes articles about natural health, aromatherapy, herbal remedies, antioxidants, allergies and vegetarianism. If you are interested in natural health please visit his web site which is at http://www.naturalhealthforall.com/

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