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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Holistic Remedy discussion

Frozen Wheatgrass Juice DiscussionBarley Grass Powder

Chemicals, such as inks, dyes, and perfumes, can upset the balance in your crotch or trigger allergic reactions that lead to yeast infections. the classic example is commercial douches, which have no benefits and are definitely harmful to the vaginal environment and your health. You know those odor-causing bacteria that their products help you get rid of? Well, they're the same bacteria that kill the yeast in your crotch! on top of that, soaps are not only disruptive to the vaginal environment, but can damage your mucus membranes. you should never soap your crotch. but there are other, less obvious sources of nasty chemicals. For example, i've had serious problems with those nasty colored, perfumed toilet papers, like Charmin; 5 days of that and i am yeast central.
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Barley Grass Powder

Organic Spirulina Powder - 250g - �9.89
Slippery Elm Powder


Recent information on Slippery Elm Powder

Slippery Elm PowderOrder Up!

Sat, 30 Aug 2008 15:51:03 EDT
Anyway, for Newt we ordered white willow powder for inflammation and pain, along with glucosamine and feverfew. ... He gets doses of slippery elm, fennel, licorice and marshmallow along with peppermint, garlic and dandelion....A bit of kelp should boost liver function and if Cushing's is suspected, a teaspoon of chasteberry powder will be given twice daily for 2 weeks, then off a week, t hen back on for two, etc. ... He'll get a bit of marshmallow, slippery elm, anise, garlic, and alfalfa leaf to help ward off the sniffles....

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