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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Health and Wellbeing Info

Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment: What You Can Do To Help Treat This ... - Meadow Free Press

Sun, 21 Dec 2008 08:09:11 GMT

Natural Hemorrhoids Treatment: What You Can Do To Help Treat This ...
Meadow Free Press, ID - Dec 21, 2008
You can also take capsules of dandelion or psyllium seed, which can make your stool much softer. Psyllium seed also serves to coat your bowels so that the ...

Get Rid of Hemorrhoids: Using Herbal Supplements - PWO

Fri, 02 Jan 2009 02:05:39 GMT

Get Rid of Hemorrhoids: Using Herbal Supplements
PWO, France - Jan 1, 2009
Capsules of dandelion are also being used to treat hemorrhoids. This time, dandelion capsules can soften hard fecal matter. However, you must not use ...

Cola Nuts


Natural Remedies article

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Yerba Mate Leaf ReviewsRose Hips

It is important to understand that you can also come into contact with the oxidation process outside of your body. Sources for this include exposure to radiation, air pollution, synthetic hormones in food, pesticides, over-the-counter and prescription drugs and food additives. Of course, some of these things are things that you cannot easily avoid. This is why it is important to make sure that your body has plenty of antioxidants, which enable good oxidation to take place.

You can find antioxidants in really green, fast growing plants. This is because sunlight, which is a high-energy source, drives the photosynthesis process. In effect, photosynthesis is the opposite of oxidation. So, plants contain a large supply of antioxidants so that they can be protected from the dangers that sunlight can cause. It is these antioxidants that you will want to consume.
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Rose Hips

Wheatgrass Juice

Can Vitamins Help With Lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease where the immune system of the body produces antibodies which start attacking itself, producing inflammation of the skin, joints, blood vessels and other areas. Some of the first symptoms are similar to those common with arthritis, Lyme disease, and fibromyalgia such as swelling and pain of the joints, sometimes with a fever. Many cases also have a characteristic rash that appears across the nose and cheeks, which consists of pinkish to red coloration of the skin and raised red bumps.

The following vitamins and minerals have been shown to be beneficial in the management of Lupus and its many symptoms.
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Wheatgrass Juice

Geo Organic Barley Grain Sprouting Seeds - 750g

Scientists measure the relationship between how macro nutrients are metabolized in the body through a process known as Calorimetry. Calorimetry is commonly done at hospitals, research facilities and elite fitness facilities reserved for professional and Olympic athletes. It involves the athlete riding a sophisticated cycle or treadmill while attached to mouth breathing and electronic body monitors. It measures oxygen inhaled versus the products of metabolized macro nutrients exhaled with the mouth monitor.

Nutrition research results reveals that changes in the proportions of macro nutrients ingested can effect changes in weight. Thus, weight loss is not only dependent on how much you eat but also the proportion of macro nutrients you eat. Further, the specific proportion of macro nutrients necessary to generate weight loss (Weight Loss Food Trigger) is different for each individual.
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Geo Organic Barley Grain Sprouting Seeds - 750g