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Friday, October 03, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Health

HealthNatural Progesterone For Better Bones And Health

These days you hear a lot about hormones and estrogen in particular especially when it comes to the effects of women aging. Recently we?ve been hearing that hormone replacement therapy may not be the great answer we once thought it was and can, in fact, be dangerous.

But estrogen is not the only hormone in your body and in fact, progesterone is just as important and as much a part of the aging process as estrogen. Hormone replacement pills often contain synthetic progestins which in themselves may not be so good for you and at the least do nothing at all. However, natural progesterone can be quite beneficial in helping your body in a few key areas.

Natural progesterone has not shown to be toxic or cause any increased risk of disease even when taking at much higher levels in the body typically produces. In fact, it is then shown that breast cancer cells which were exposed to natural progesterone did not multiply as fast as those cells which were not exposed to it so there may be some protection against breast cancer.

Another thing that natural progesterone can help in aging body with his bone health. We all know that as women age, the risk of osteoporosis increases. One of the reasons for this, although it is not widely publicized is that your body does not produce as much progesterone. In fact this can happen in even younger women who, for some reason, do not ovulate properly be it due to excessive exercise or other factors.

You see, your bones are made up of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts are responsible for building new bone and they are stimulated into production by progesterone. And osteoclasts, on the other hand, are responsible for the removal of old bone and are stimulated into production by estrogen. If you are producing too much estrogen in comparison to progesterone, then your body is taking way old bone but not building any new bone.

Natural progesterone can also help with a slew of other symptoms including migraine headaches, hot flashes, unstable blood sugar, depression, ovarian cysts and a lot more!

You can get natural progesterone pills, but the easiest way is probably to just get a natural progesterone cream that you can buy without a prescription. You should check with your doctor before doing this though because you want to be sure that this will not interfere with any other medications or hormone replacements that he has you on. The creams are quite easy to use and you simply rub them on a thin skin area such as your breasts, or underneath your arms. Depending on whether you are premenopausal or postmenopausal you may use the cream on different days out of the month.

About the Author:

Lee Dobbins writes for Natural Health Buzz where you can learn more about natural health as well as the protective effects of natural progesterone.

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HealingPet Insurance. Podgy Pets Need A Diet Plan

Is your pet overweight? Four out of every ten pets are obese says one of the UK 's largest pet insurers.

Owners are overfeeding their dogs and cats with massive portions and fatty foods as well lots of treats from the table. This had led to a huge increase in the number of pet insurance claims for health problems brought on by obesity.

Petplan has revealed that during the last five years it has seen a 60% increase in obesity related claims amongst the 800,000 pets it covers. As a result there are reports that some pet insurers are looking at cutting payouts if your pet is obese.

Obesity in pets causes many of the same problems it does in humans. An overweight pet is prone to many weight related conditions including: joint, ligament and tendon difficulties, breathing and heart problems and diabetes. Obese cats can also contract skin disorders from not being able to groom themselves thoroughly. The overall impact of obesity on your pets' comfort and longevity could be catastrophic.

But perhaps there's good news. It's easier for you to trim down your pets weight than it is for you to fight the battle of the bulge. After all, your pet can't grab the car keys for a trip to the chippy or phone out for a Chinese. They can't even open the refrigerator door on their own! Your pet eats what you give it - so you're in control. So if it's fat, that's your responsibility. Equally, the remedy is in your hands. Although exercise might not be your bag, your pet will always be up for a walk or a game with a toy on a string, or most popular of all doggy games, fetch the stick.

So how do you know if your pet is overweight? A healthy pet will always have some padding on them - but a little is quite enough! Start off by gently rubbing your hands over their ribs. You should be able to feel their ribs and the skin should move easily back and forth. Then step back and look at your pet from the side - if your pet looks pregnant and it shouldn't be, it's overweight! Your pet should also have a obvious waist at the base of the rib cage, a small tuck-in around the stomach area. Now look at your pet from above - it's equally bad news if you can see a bump out from its middle into an apple shape. Birds too can be obese. Examine polly for rolls of fat or a thicker breast.

Certain breeds and species of pet are more likely to develop weight problems. In dogs, labradors and spaniels are especially liable to fatten up, as do beagles, corgis and retrievers. In cats the less-active breeds such as Persians are far more likely to gain weight than the go-go breeds such as Abyssinians and Siamese. And in birds, Amazon parrots are special contenders to expand into perch potatoes.

Please be aware that crash diets aren't a good idea for pets. Be especially careful with cats who can develop a fatal liver problem if they're forced to lose weight too quickly. Pets don't get obese overnight and it should not be forced to slim down too quickly. Only feed at set meal times and be sure to cut out those tip bits. Then introduce more exercise. Your vet should also advise you on a regime of special diet foods. Be sure to do all of this gradually but please, be committed ? your pet's life may depend on it.

About the Author:

Brokers Online are large UK based financial website offering most financial services including pet insurance. More Info- Pet FAQ's

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Dandelion PowderExercise After 50, More Important to Health Than Ever

Exercise programs weren?t the "in" thing to if your grew-up during the 40s, 50s, or 60s. We didn?t start out our lives by going to "kinder-gym and swim" with our moms like young people do in today?s world. Young people, especially girls who enjoyed athletics, were thought to be a little odd. In fact, half of the girls in my gym classes spent a lot of time figuring out how to avoid exercising.

Things are different now. We are smarter. We have not only discovered that sports are great fun, but now know that exercise and health can help us to live longer and better lives than ever before.

We still have to come to terms with aging. We go though life feeling invincible until "bingo," our bodies start to let us down. The hardest concept to come to terms with is that we can?t do the same workout activities that we did when we were in our 20s.

It isn?t fair, but turning fifty or even sixty is not an excuse to stop exercising. Exercise is more important than ever before. Studies show that regular exercise can thwart a number of factors that go along with aging (stress, balance issues, osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes and obesity, to name a few).

The October 2006 issue of "O" (the Oprah magazine) has an excellent series of articles on "aging brilliantly". I was particularly interested in the write up by Carol Mithers where she details a decade-by-decade guide to exercise. She also mentions (I like the sounds of this) that if there is a magic potion for staying young, it is exercise!

We won?t talk about exercising in your 20s, 30s, or even 40s because if you are reading this, you are already staring "50 something" right in the eye. We aren?t fooling around now because we know what exercise can do for us?right? We aren?t making excuses like not enough time, not enough energy, not enough interest, because we now know that it is a "use it or lose it" or a "do or die" situation.

You have already noticed that your metabolism has slowed down, you?ve gained a few extra pounds and you are starting to sag a little (loss of muscle tone is really starting to show). A weight training program and some cardiovascular activity is highly recommended. Joining a gym is the most fun, but home videos and audio tapes may work out best for you. You don?t have to jog, take spinning classes, or push yourself to the limit. Listen to your body. You already know that consistency is the most important aspect in any exercise program.

Experts recommend that 50 year olds should strive for 4-6 cardio sessions a week (20-40 minutes each) and a half hour of weight training twice a week (remember not to overdo and remember to stretch afterwards).

What about when you're 60? In your 60s, problems like arthritis, bad knees and hips, and a host of other maladies are starting to contribute to your sense of unease. I am still in denial and I often push myself to the point of pain, but I refuse to give up. I enjoy exercising both in the gym and out-of-doors, and feel that I would be letting myself down if I gave up. So, I choose to believe the experts who say that aches and pains shouldn?t be an excuse to give up on exercise. We still need to exercise because if we don?t, a decline in strength and fitness are sure to follow, and we aren?t ready for a rocking chair yet.

The experts recommend three days a week of challenging (but not exhausting) cardiovascular work in addition to three days a week of weight training (you don?t have to bench press 200 lbs. now). It is okay to use lighter weights and you should focus on slower more controlled movements. Add a yoga routine for flexibility and balance and you are good for the day (not to mention that you will feel accomplished and really good about yourself).

We need to push ourselves physically no matter how old we are, but now that we are older and wiser we need to give it a little more thought.

Look for exercises that are fun but easier on the joints (bicycling, swimming, in-line skating, water aerobics, yoga, walking, to name just a few). You will feel a sense of exhilaration, joy and accomplishment.

Join me on Fitness After 50 to explore the world of staying fit and having fun after fifty.

Also visit Fitness Gadgets to check out new products to keep exercise interesting.

TC Thorn writes on health and fitness and is the blogger behind Fitness Gadgets
