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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Not just A blog about Yerba Mate Leaf

Yerba Mate Leaf ReviewsOther Herbal Superfoods

Can supplements counteract the effect of stress on the immune system?

Clinical studies have not been done concerning the improvement in immune system responses among people who use health supplements and are under chronic stress. Studies have shown that AP increases white blood cell counts in person�s using the herb, which could counteract the lowered white blood cell counts in persons under chronic stress.

How do you boost your immune system if you work or live in a high risk environment?
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Other Herbal Superfoods

Herbal Tinctures

The study suggested a �role� for caffeine in association between coffee drinking and heart attack in some individuals. More research is needed to prove definitely that the caffeine in coffee causes heart attack in the group of people with a genetic variation.

Source: American Heart Association

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any kind of a health problem. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult with your health care provider about any kind of a health problem and especially before beginning any kind of an exercise routine.
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