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Monday, March 31, 2008

Recent information on Kola Nuts

Beverage Industry - Naturally refreshing.(NEW PRODUCTS)

Fri, 01 Jun 2007 07:00:00 GMT
June 1, 2007 -- Health Cola Co.'s Health Cola was designed with the premise that a cola made with natural and healthful ingredients should also tastes better, the...

Liberia: RUF Commander Continues Testimony - AllAfrica.com

Thu, 06 Mar 2008 09:16:26 GMT

Liberia: RUF Commander Continues Testimony
AllAfrica.com, Washington - Mar 6, 2008
Pros: When we left off yesterday, you said Sam Bockarie and Issa Sesay would sell kola nuts and coffee to buy arms and ammunition. ...

Kola NutsRapid Weight Loss Diet Danger - Health Risks for a Rapid Weight Loss Diet

Common sense will tell you that making a sudden and uncomfortable change in your diet might hurt you. Looking in the mirror may tell you, "So what?! I look FAT!" Rapid weight loss is appealing because the whole idea of getting it off quickly seems like the least aggravation. Taking that route could cause you long term health problems, muscle loss and even worse.

The problem is how your body reacts to either starving yourself or "fooling" it into dropping pounds. Those pounds you lose may just be water. Even worse, you may be "cannibalizing" your own muscle mass. Either way, your scale says you've lost weight. That's the mistake. You need to lose fat, not just weight.

Any diet that promises you almost instantaneous loss of pounds and inches probably targets water loss. It's the deception of just looking at the scale and the tape measure. Diet scammers know this and prey upon folks who just want that "quick fix". Those who try it get the results for a short time, then either gain all the weight back or gain even more!

You probably don't want to hear this, but a sensible, long term diet and fitness plan is the only way to get the fat off your body. Ridding yourself of water weight can be dangerous, especially if you're restricting your fluid intake. Harmful toxins can build up and cause major health problems. If you're out of shape and not in the best of health, you could conceivably end up in the hospital from dehydration or much worse.

Sacrificing your muscles to please the scale is another route to ill health. Any time you cut your protein intake below the minimum you need, your body adapts by eating away at your own protein supply - your muscles. Eventually, you'll damage yourself if you persist in unhealthy diet routines that fail to deliver the necessary nutrients you need every day.

Use your head, not the scale or the tape measure, to decide how to get yourself where you want to be. A rapid weight loss diet may seem attractive at first, but if it ends up making you worse off, you only have yourself to blame.

Are you ready to discover better ways to burn the fat? Is your fitness level everything you want it to be? For more free information and trusted resources for getting yourself from where you are to where you want to be, you can visit Facts and Tips for Losing Body Fat and get yourself headed in a whole, new direction.


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