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Monday, January 12, 2009

Lets talk about Aloe Vera Juice

HolisticLow Income Health Insurance - Strategies That Help Save Money

Quality health insurance can be very expensive. Thanks to the sky rocketing costs of insurance every year, finding an affordable policy has become increasingly difficult. Many people simply do not know how to find quality, but affordable insurance. In this article, you will be provided with a few strategies that can help you to obtain low income health insurance. The first thing to do is some comparison-shopping. Do some research and find which insurance plans work best with your budget.

Compare apples to apples. Using the Internet for your comparison-shopping is the best way to find low income health insurance. You can do this yourself, or you can use an agent to search online for several cost effective health insurance companies. Remember, when doing this cost research, you must make sure that you provide honest answers to both personal and health questions. Not doing so will only result in inaccurate premium quotes. Make the job a little easier by writing your information down before you start comparing.

Looking into Blue Cross and Blue Shield is another great way to obtain low income health insurance. Blue Cross offers insurance coverage for hospital treatment, while Blue Shield offers insurance for physician treatments. Generally, they offer a combined premium rate that can be less expensive than the rates of a private insurance company. Keep one thing in mind, even though their premium may be less expensive, you may sacrifice some coverage. If you prefer to deal personally with an insurance agent, a good idea is to obtain a quote, list all the benefits offered, then visit various insurance agents and challenge them to beat it.

You may find many insurance companies offering great low income insurance rates; however, you should understand that what looks like a great deal now may in fact include significant rate increases after the first year. Be sure to ask about this possibility. Also, make sure that you are not required to use specific doctors. Chances are you currently have a family doctor that you would like to stick with. Another potential hidden problem, is that like auto insurance, some health insurance premiums increase just because you use them. Be sure to ask about this as well.

With low income health insurance you must have a clear understanding as to how you share the bills with the insurance company. In other words, you may save money on your premiums if you find a health insurance plan that only pays a certain percentage of the bills. For example, if you find a company that offers a 20/80 split, you will save money. That means that you will be responsible for 20% of the bill, while the insurance company is responsible for 80%. However, if you were to choose a company that is 10/90, you will pay more, and save less.

Another great way to obtain low income health insurance is to select a large deductible. The larger your deductible, the less your premiums. With this option, keep in mind whether or not you can afford to pay many smaller medical bills. Usually a large deductible is for a major medical issue.

Low income health insurance can also be found if you opt for only hospital and surgical coverage. This will cover your hospital care, and surgical, but not your physician, or chronic care needs.

It is absolutely possible to find low income health insurance, you simply need to do your research homework to find it.

Carl DiNello is an Article Author whose articles are featured on websites covering the Internet's most popular topics.

To read more on this topic, please visit Health Insurance Information!

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Healthy & Natural Journal - Aloe Vera Juice Concentrate

Fri, 01 Dec 2000 08:00:00 GMT
December 1, 2000 -- Certified organic whale leaf aloe vera is cold-pressed, cancentrated and guaranteed to have a patency of 10,000 mg./liter. Doctor recommended....

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