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Monday, May 19, 2008

The latest Informaiton on General Health

News on Cola NutsOrganic Liquid Fertiliser - 250ml

Among the Greeks, fitness competitions and games were nationalistic in spirit; states were said to have been prouder of Olympic victories than of battles won. Women, foreigners, slaves, and dishonored persons were forbidden to compete. Contestants were required to train faithfully for 10 months before the games and had to take an oath that they had fulfilled the training requirements before participating. At first, the Olympic Games were confined to running, but over time new events were added. The winners of the Olympics were crowned with chaplets of wild olive, and in their home city-states male champions were also awarded valuable gifts and privileges.
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Organic Liquid Fertiliser - 250ml

Organic Hemp Shake

What is a Water Ionizer and how does it Work?

A water ionizer is a small appliance that typically sits on your counter, connected to your kitchen faucet. A special attachment redirects tap water from the faucet to the water ionizer. As the water moves through the water ionizer it is filtered through the activated charcoal. From there it passes into a chamber equipped with platinum coated titanium electrodes. This is where electrolysis takes place - the most important part of the process. During this process the water ionizer splits the water into 2 flows, alkaline water and acidic water, both offering incredible health benefits. The alkaline water comes out of the faucet in the sink - ready to drink! A separate hose coming from the water ionizer sits in the sink releases acidic (oxidized) water. This acidic water is excellent for sterilizing, washing hands, treating minor wounds and burns and insect bits. It destroys over 99% of bacteria, including E-Coli.
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Organic Hemp Shake



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