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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

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Rio Amazon Pau Darco CapsulesThe Perfect Diet Book

What Is The Perfect Diet Book?
The Perfect Diet Book is exactly what it says, The Perfect Diet Book. It is full of good "no nonsense" information that has been gathered by Bev mainly when she was studying but also as she has mentored people. If you put into action all the information then you will have found the perfect diet.
But there is only one thing that will makes it to be not perfect and that is person reading this and not doing the necessary changes and exercises that are required as part of this course.
It is a course to change your thinking or mindset about who you are, and what you believe about yourself. It has been said time and time again that it takes 21 days to change or form a habit, so this course will not be an instant way to lose weight. Even if you read the book today you would not wake up tomorrow 100 lbs lighter. For you to change all the bad habits into good habits takes time at least 21 days or even 21 times to read through this book.
If you are still reading this book then 10 out of10 because you are making the decision to change. It is hard work and many times it will be more challenging that you wished, but if you are prepared to do the work then you will have found the perfect diet for you. You will never again have an issue with your weight even if you gain some weight. And more importantly you will have learnt something to pass onto the next generation. That is something you owe to your children and grandchildren.
Here are some of the things that The Perfect Diet Book isn't.
 A quick fix to losing weight.
 A magic guide that once you bought it the weight will magically disappear overnight.
 A list of good foods and bad foods for you to eat and avoid.
 A diet which works while you are at home but not away on holiday or business.
 A diet that you get bored with in a few weeks time, and makes you want to start the cycle all over again.

Here are some of the things you can expect from The Perfect Diet Book.
 A look at why we eat and what we eat.
 The blame game.
 A complete new mindset or thinking so we can become the person we were created to be.
 A whole person regardless of our weight. It doesn't matter if you are overweight, underweight or the correct weight The Perfect Diet Book is for you.
 A whole new lifestyle that will last for the rest of your life regardless of whether you are at home, holiday or on business.
At the end of each chapter there will be exercises for you to do. Do not move to the next chapter until you have completed them for the full benefit of the perfect diet.

Written by Bev Clement - 2006 http://theperfectdietbook.com Get you own free copy of the mini book at the website.

If you use this article please link back to http://www.theperfectdietbook.com

About the Author

Bev is a qualified in fitness & nutrition in the UK. She writes for both http://www.robbev.com and http://www.theperfectdietbook.com

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